
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Packing and yard sale prep

Man, we almost have the whole house packed up! I have been putting boxes and furniture in the attic for a week. I think I am actually shorter now. On the positive, we have had good, cool weather so it is not so hot in the attic while moving stuff.

I am having our yard sale of all the non essential stuff we own at a client's house to try to help them de-clutter their home too because it is for sale. We are having a combo yard sale/ open house. We hope someone shows up to buy a baby crib and walks away with a contract on the house, or they show up to see the house and walk away with a ping pong table.

It should be big fun. It is from 8am to 2 pm this Saturday and Sunday, the 27th and 28th.

What? You want an example of the things for sale? Sure, check it out:

Home For Sale:

4 bedroom, 2 ½ baths, four sides brick with granite foundation and full basement, huge, fenced back yard, deck off the basement, two fireplaces, great location, quiet street.

Yard sale items:

ping pong table, oak chest of drawers and black chest of drawers, large canopy tent, chests, chairs and folding chairs, home theater system, games and videos, lamps, nic naks, coffee makers, computer and flat screen monitor, scanner, laptop, books, planters, 6 disc cd player, vcr, wicker baskets, microwave and much more…rain or shine!

baby items: clothes, pack and play, highchair, stroller, car seat, toys, dining chair, baby crib with mattress and sheets, changing table, toddler gym, “never used” baby toilet.

Check out my helpers in the photo. That is Fran and her mom. They have done a fantastic job pricing things low and packing them up to take to 714 Willivee Drive for the sale. That is in Decatur if you would like to stop by and pick something up on the cheap.

We have to be out of our house on Sunday so the cleaners can do their job on Monday and get our renters moved in ASAP!! Only 5 weeks until we get on that plane for Buenos Aires!!

We will be homeless for a month. But thanks to Jason and Lisa, we won't have to sleep under a bridge. They are welcoming us into their home in Buckhead until we leave.

I still have to go through my clothes and decide what to pack away in the attic, what will go to Lisa and Jason's for the next 30 days, and what will go to Argentina. Should be interesting. I bet Salvation Army gets a big stack too.

I also need to line up some work in Argentina too so we can stay there. We have rented our home for the next year, so why not stay there until we have a place to live upon our return?

Send me a note if you have any job openings in Argentina or want to go to the yard sale!!

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