
Friday, February 13, 2009

New people, new oportunities

This past week has been a week of change. Our good friends from Texas got an opportunity to start a restaurant in Galveston TX and cut their trip here short. We will miss our partners in crime. We went to their apartment to say goodbye and it was like Christmas! They were kind enough to give us their cell phone, books, and a hair straightener, among many things they won't be taking back to the states. Thanks guys!
Our spanish teacher, Carlos, left for vacation this week, so we started class with a new instructor, Marco. Our first lesson was great, with lots of conversation exercises and even some homework. I am looking foreward to next week's lesson.
Brent played golf with a new guy on Thursday, and surprise- he was Brent's age, not 80! After golf we all hung out at the apartment for a bit and then went to dinner. He has been here for a year and plans to stay for another year so Brent will have a golfing buddy for a while. Its nice to have someone to ask advice on where to travel and what not to miss.
I took 2 riding lessons this week, and today my instructor Leo asked me to show one of their horses in a show on Sunday! I am excited for the opportunity, and also a bit nervous.
Tommarow is Valentines Day and Brent and I plan on going to the park for the day and then a nice dinner. Should be fun!
Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

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