
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

countdown to outtahere!

Brent informed me tonight that we have exactly 10 days left before we leave BA for parts unknown. I have to admit it depresses me a bit; I love this city. Tomorrow we will be making our final reservations for school in Chile on the coast and Cordoba in central Argentina, not to mention our side trip to Iguazu Falls.
Last weekend was relatively uneventful, we went to the park to study spanish on Saturday, and on Sunday we went to Codigo Pais Festival. What that basically entailed was a $20 peso ticket to go see Atlanta College of Art and Design's Fall Fling. There was some really bad statuary, "outsider art" graffiti, and a bunch of clothing designers selling painted jeans. The photography was pretty good though. It made me think that we could put something like that together in Atlanta pretty easy and make some money. Brent wanted to try to make some money here by simply standing next to the ticket booth and telling every guy who came up to give him $10 pesos to tell him not to go in. Win- win situation; you saved $10 pesos and didn't have to waste your time looking at women's homemade purses and headbands! We left and went to watch some futbol. Much more entertaining!

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